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Treatments > Child Health

Child Health

At Holistic Homeopathy, we believe in child wellbeing first, so it is very important in our growing world for children to be healthy. Homeopathy in children is healthy, gentle and productive in the treatment of chronic cold and cough, low immunity, tonsillitis, ADHA, autism, and many more.

For children who do not have any adverse effects, homoeopathy is one and only best and healthy choice, pills are sweet in taste, which children take happily.

The Holistic

At Holistic Homeopathy, we take a whole case history of child from it’s mother right from birth to the date which allows us to know everything about all the causative factors leading to all child-related complaints such as recurrent cold and cough, asthma, poor immunity, stress that can take children to other directions. Everything is handled by proper constitutional medicine at Holistic Homoeopathy with proper mind counselling on regular treatment is provided.

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